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Lockdown to Social Life? 🤝🍻

mindset May 16, 2022

I think it is quite obvious that The Furnace will teach you all about nutrition and training.


But what sets us apart is our ability to change your mindset around it.


We’ve seen so many people use the last two years to focus on getting a good routine around training and nutrition.


But now they are panicking.


They’ve been able to nail their macros, train hard, and live a healthy active lifestyle.


Because there wasn’t much else to do.


But 2022 is looking to be the Summer of freedom. Of travel. And probably a few more calories, and a little less training.


And this is where we can help.


The mindset section of The Furnace, along with the support and advice from excellent coaches who just get it, means that you can find the right balance that works for you and your goals.


Maybe you value fun nights out with friends more than anything, but are worried about it affecting your progress. We can help you make mindful decisions about what is most important to you and why.


If you really want to focus on dropping body fat this summer, we can help you with the mindset, tips and tools to do that, while not living like a hermit.


We don’t want an ‘all or nothing’ Summer because long term fat loss needs long term habit change.


Even if you gain weight this Summer, you can still train and eat for your health, and it will stand to you if you do want to drop the weight after the Summer.


It will be a lot harder if you throw all your good habits out the window (or don’t create any in the first place).


Don’t leave it until after the Summer to feel your best.


Doing The Furnace over a 12 week period where you have no social life (i.e. lockdown) is probably less beneficial in the long run than doing it when you do have stuff on.


You want to identify your behaviours around these things, and see if there is room for improvement.


And the good news is there are still spaces available at the discounted price. I was going to keep the discount open for the rest of the month but over half of the spaces went yesterday so I would recommend moving fast if you want to join for 25% off.


If you have any questions, just hit reply and I will get back to you!


Thanks for reading,


Siobhan “Nothing is worth 12 weeks of no social life” O'Hagan

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