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Sports for fat loss 🎾

Apr 05, 2022

I hope you had a nice weekend. I decided to have a bit of a bank holiday and take two rest days on Sunday/Monday because we were going out on Sunday night.


I am dying to get back into training today and I’m trying to plan my week to include enough Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu so that I make improvements, and also some Padel Tennis for fun. I’d also like to include some running for endurance and strength training to maintain muscle mass.


And do you know what that will likely result in?


A large calorie output.


Which makes it easier to stay in a calorie deficit.


One of the biggest factors for me improving my relationship with my body was focusing on performance instead of aesthetics.


I see it in my clients too. Those that play camogie or football (or any sport) find it much easier to stay in a long term calorie deficit than those that are just exercising because they want to change their body.


Now, in the short term, you can see great results by focusing your training on changing your body composition. That’s mostly the style of training we offer in The Furnace.


But what happens when you stop caring what you look like? Or when the motivation runs out because you realise you don’t value what your body shape is, more than you value you social life? (That’s actually a good thing, in my opinion)


Your motivation to exercise will wain. You might start skipping the odd session, and overall, end up with less energy output.


But what if you’re playing tennis with pals this evening? You are a lot less likely to skip it, and your activity level will stay high.


Imagine if you were excited about your football match this weekend? You’re a lot less likely to have wine on Friday night.


Fat loss is all about that balance between energy in and out. This can be done with absolutely no exercise, with only resistance training, or even just focusing on walking more.


But the more you exercise, the more you can maintain the relative calorie deficit, on a higher level of food (and drink!).


There is a risk of over-training and under-eating, which can cause stress on the body. It’s a tough balance for me to find each week.


But if you are struggling with that balance, or want more knowledge and support on your fat loss journey - you can join The Furnace today.


Unfortunately we don't have a sports team with The Furnace but it can help compliment any sports you do do!


If you'd like any more information before joining, please just reply to this email.


Siobhan "Retired camogie player" O'Hagan

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