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What I learnt in Portugal 🇵🇹

mindset nutrition Jun 08, 2022

First of all - have you ever looked at somebody and thought “Wow, they’ve gotten really fat” after their holiday?


Probably not.


Nobody is thinking that about you.


But it doesn’t matter what other people think. The most important thing is how you *feel*.


And, unsurprisingly, if you go away for two weeks/months of drinking every night, eating extra bread and cheese with every meal, little sleep and having Lays for breakfast, you won’t feel good.


It’s like your body is actually reminding you to eat vegetables and drink water.


I remember that feeling so well last May, when I also spent the month of May in Portugal.


I was really grateful to be able to travel to Portugal from Bali to celebrate my sister’s 30th and I let loose - saying yes to all the green wine, bread and oil - and that’s before dinner!


But by the end of May, I remember going to my friend Jane’s birthday and getting really frustrated with myself. 


I was journaling how I felt cr*p, tired and overweight after eating and drinking so much over the month. My head was telling me that I knew what to do: stop drinking and eating so much. Duh.


But the other half of me knew that I actually *wanted* to drink wine with my friends at the BBQ.


It was that internal conflict that had me feeling down.


Last Saturday, when I was going to Jane’s for her annual birthday BBQ, I was able to reflect on how different I have approached things this year.


Did I stop drinking and eating so much?




I changed my expectations of myself.


Last year, I learnt that I was able to feel back to myself once I left Portugal, my friends and family, and the green wine.


So this year, when I’m having that feeling of tired and malnourished, I am more *accepting* of it rather than fighting it.


By removing the resistance, I am able to enjoy all these nights without any guilt.


So many people are ruining their holidays (or any occasions) by feeling like they “shouldn’t” be doing what they are doing.


This is where journaling is so important. Being clear on your values helps make value-based or goal-based decisions.


Yes, health is a top value for me, but I’m also aware that I live a healthy* lifestyle most of the year 


*healthy is subjective


If you are worried about your holidays because of how you will feel after it, remind yourself that it is only a temporary feeling.


And when it actually comes to what you look like, you will not gain a lot of fat from a week or two of eating in a surplus.


You would have to eat 500 calories over your maintenance every day to gain only 1 pound of body fat.


And if you do gain a few pounds of body fat while on holidays, it is worth it. And nobody will notice so don’t worry about it.


Of course, “don’t worry about it” is easier said than done, but what worked for me was actually leaning into the fear and realising everything is ok.


If you are somebody who is very strict with herself, then the thoughts of going on holidays can be stressful. I used to be that person.


After the last few years of testing out the freedom I’ve always wanted, I realised that you can enjoy your life and have a good relationship with your body.


But it takes mindset shifts, support and accountability… which, conveniently, we provide in The Furnace.


As I leave Portugal today, and have a very busy June ahead, today is the last day to get the sale price of 25% off.


If you need help with learning to love your body over the Summer, this is your chance.


I’ll be in the hairdressers tomorrow going through all the questionnaires so click below to get started today and we could be working together by tomorrow!


Thanks for reading,


Siobhan “Mais um copo de vinho verde si faz favour” O’Hagan 

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